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Our 25%

With Your Help We Can Make A Difference

We donate 25% to non-profit organizations specializing in mental health awareness and care. Why?

Let's face it, here in America there is not enough light shed on mental health. The day to day mental health struggles of human beings are often marginalized, stigmatized, ignored and swept under the rug.

People struggling with mental health issues often find themselves alone, without anyone to turn to. This can be from something as simple as not knowing where to turn for help, or something a little more complex such as the lack of insurance or funds. 

No one, no matter who they are, should have to fight alone or not receive the help that they need because they cannot afford it or they don't have services available in their immediate area.

Together, you and Xplicit Xpressions can shed some much needed light on the issue and make a real change. 

NO more unfinished letters, NO more long sleeves, NO more silent suffering.


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